Sunday, May 13, 2012

Moral Entrepreneurs

One concept from the book that caught my eye was moral entrepreneurs.  Moral entrepreneurs are certain people who have moral concerns they passionately want translated into law.  In this day and age, some of the biggest advocates for change is the medical cannabis community.  Whether you support the legalization or not, it is hard not to notice how mainstream this issue has gotten.  From deviant people such as rap artists and rebellious teens to cancer patients, they all seem to want to fight for the same cause.  But one large, negative side effect about the legalization would be the amount of people using it for purposes other than medical treatment.

Although not everyone supports the medical cannabis moral entrepreneurs, you cannot help but respect the passion they portray in their fight to make it legal. Here are a few articles and videos of the efforts many groups in multiple states are making to fight for what they believe is right:

I might not have the same passion as these individuals, but it gives me a good understanding of how you should fight for your beliefs.  Whether its religion, moral values, or a specific issues people need to understand that they are the ones who can make the change.  If people follow their passion then the success will follow.  So, I don't look up to someone who wants to legalize drugs, but seeing an ambitious, persistent attitude about an issue inspires me.  We all need inspiration from time to time.

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